October 13, 2023

The Impact of Card Processing Fees on Marketplace and Ecommerce

Ever wondered how those tiny card processing fees affect the massive world of eCommerce? You'll be stunned at the BILLIONS at play. Dive into the deep impact these fees have on your online shopping experience and the

As the digital commerce landscape expands, businesses grapple with various operational costs, among which card processing fees loom large. These seemingly minute percentages and per-transaction costs can accumulate to considerable figures, significantly affecting profit margins and strategic decisions of e-commerce platforms. This article dissects the intricate web of card processing fees and underscores their overarching impact on the online retail sector.

1. Anatomy of Card Processing Fees

Card processing fees are an amalgamation of charges levied whenever a customer makes a card-based purchase online:

  • Interchange fees

    : These are essentially compensations paid to the cardholder's issuing bank. They form the bulk of the processing fees, averaging between 1% to 2% per transaction.

  • Assessment fees

    : Card networks (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, etc.) charge these fees, usually amounting to around 0.1% to 0.2% of the transaction.

  • Processor's markup

    : This is the amount charged by the payment processing company, which can vary widely but generally adds another 1% to 3.5% to the cost.

Additionally, most processors have a flat fee for each transaction, often in the ballpark of $0.10 to $0.30. At Lynk we’ve seen total rates of 3.5%-5% + 25 cents per transaction and there are even higher rates depending on the risk tolerance of the payment processor and the customer type a business might be pursuing.

2. Translating Percentages to Profits

To fathom the real-world impact, consider this: global e-commerce sales hit $4.9 trillion in 2021. Even if we conservatively estimate card processing fees at 2.5% of this amount, the resultant fees stand at a staggering $112.5 billion.

Let’s dive deeper with a hypothetical situation:

For an average transaction of $100 at a fee rate of 2.5% + $0.20:

  • Percentage fee: $100 * 2.5% = $2.50

  • Fixed fee: $0.20

  • Total fee per transaction

    : $2.70

If an e-commerce entity processes $2 billion in sales annually (20 million transactions of $100 each), this translates to $54 million annually in just card processing fees!

3. The Ripple Effects

Card processing costs lead to a cascade of associated expenditures:

  • Chargebacks

    : When customers challenge charges, businesses may incur fees up to $20 to $50, not counting the lost revenue from the reversed sale.

  • Non-compliance fees

    : Not adhering to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard can attract monthly penalties ranging from $5,000 to $100,000.

  • Foreign transaction fees

    : Transactions outside the home country can have additional fees of approximately 1%.

  • Transfer fees

    : Even revenue stored in the holding account of the processor is not exempt from additional fees such as a transfer fee, which ranges from 0.10%-1% when transferring funds to an operating account.

Moreover, with card-not-present (CNP) transactions becoming the norm in e-commerce, the fees, which are typically higher than card-present transactions, further squeeze profit margins.

4. Sector-wise Disparities

Different sectors within e-commerce have varying average profit margins. For instance, electronics might operate at a 5-10% margin, while clothing could have a margin of 4-13%. With card processing fees taking a significant chunk, businesses operating at thinner margins feel a disproportionate impact.

5. The Push for Payment Innovations

Given the substantial financial implications, businesses are exploring alternatives:

  • Digital wallets

    : Providers like Samsung Pay or Apple Pay can sometimes negotiate lower processing fees due to their volume of transactions.

  • Cryptocurrencies

    : While adoption is still nascent, digital currencies like Bitcoin bypass traditional fee structures.

  • Bank transfers & Direct Debit

    : Especially in Europe, solutions like SEPA have made direct bank transactions a viable, low-fee alternative.

6. The Broader Economic Implications

The influence isn't confined to businesses. High processing fees can result in elevated product prices, affecting consumers. In economies relying heavily on e-commerce, this might even subtly influence inflation.


In the intricate dance of e-commerce economics, card processing fees play a pivotal role. They influence business strategies, catalyze payment innovations, and shape broader economic trends. As e-commerce solidifies its position as a primary sales channel, understanding these nuances will be paramount for businesses, policymakers, and stakeholders alike.


To discover how Lynk can help your business grow and keep these scaling fees under control, get in touch with us today by clicking here.

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